Inspiring a lifelong love of learning for every child


Kids & Adults


Seniors (65+)


Infant(12mo. & under)




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Building Discovery

Our vision is to create a museum where every child can find exciting opportunities to explore, experiment, and learn. To achieve this, we will soon break ground on an addition that will double the size of the museum, adding classrooms, exhibits, and programs to better serve our community. The need is real and the time is now. Our hope is you’ll join with us to build a greater environment of discovery for the next generation of thinkers, dreamers, entrepreneurs, and leaders.

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Learning at Home Made Fun!

Keep your family discovering any time of day with our Discovery at Home program! Aid your kids in exploring activities involving engineering, chemistry, nature, games, and more! Interact with our top projects.

Discover More at Home

Discover Science at Home: Make Slime!

Discover Technology at Home: Make a Paper Plate Ramp

Discover Engineering at Home: Launch a Stomp Rocket

Discover Art at Home: Create a Watercolor Resist

Discover Math at Home: teach math while cooking!

Discover Science at Home: Make Slime!

Making slime is serious fun! Kids whipping up slimy concoctions are learning how to learn as they experiment. Young chemists build connections in the brain as they measure, touch, smell, and feel. When they make it with a grown up, conversations about opposite words like gooey and solid, warm and cold, big and small, empty and full give their science vocabulary a boost!

  • 2 (4 oz) bottles of washable school glue
  • 1 or 2 drops liquid food coloring
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons contact solution (saline solution)

Make it!

Discover Technology at Home: Make a Paper Plate Ramp

Engineer a paper plate ramp using supplies you have around the house! How tall can you make yours? Build it, test it, improve it!

  • Paper plates
  • Cardboard tube
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Small balls or race cars

Make it!

Discover Engineering at Home: Launch a Stomp Rocket

What do kids learn by making stomp rockets? The power of air as a force as they push air from the bottle to the rocket. When the air is forced out of the bottle, it has less space inside the rocket. The force created pushes the rocket upward.

  • Paper
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Plastic bottle

Make it!

Discover Art at Home: Create a Watercolor Resist

What do kids learn by creating this art? How different materials mix and resist each other. The oil-based wax crayons resist the water-based marker ink! Add a pinch of salt for more chemical reactions!

  • Various colored markers
  • Various colored crayons (white preferred)
  • Plastic baggy
  • Paper
  • Plastic cup with water
  • Paint brush
  • Optional: use wet rag to wet down paper
  • Optional: Salt

Make it!

Discover Math at Home: teach math while cooking!

Simple kitchen activities can be the perfect ingredient for enhancing your child’s mathematical understanding and extending their classroom learning. No fancy chef hats required, just a willingness to mix, measure, and multiply the fun while boosting those math skills.

  • Numbers, Counting and Sequencing: “We need 1 cup of flour for this recipe. Can you help me find the measuring cup that says ‘1 cup’?”
  • Multiplication, Division and Fractions: “The recipe calls for 1/2 a cup of milk. Can you show me on this measuring cup where the halfway point is?”
  • Compare and Contrast: “Which ingredient am I using the smallest amount of?”

Learn more!

15,000 sq. ft of indoor exhibits exploring science, careers, art, building & more

15,000 sq. ft of indoor exhibits exploring science, careers, art, building & more

15,000 sq. ft of indoor exhibits exploring science, careers, art, building & more

15,000 sq. ft of indoor exhibits exploring science, careers, art, building & more

4.5-acre certified Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom

4.5-acre certified Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom

4.5-acre certified Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom

4.5-acre certified Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom

Enhancing the lives of children & enriching the communities we serve.

Enhancing the lives of children & enriching the communities we serve.

Enhancing the lives of children & enriching the communities we serve.

Enhancing the lives of children & enriching the communities we serve.

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